Katerangan pondok:

Probe dilengkepan manaskeun sareng serjam, sareng suhu anu tiasa dianggo 0 ℃ ~ 1200 ℃. Pembelih gaduh laju respon gancang, sareng waktos tanggepan kirang ti 100 milliseconds.

Jénmén produk

Tag produk

Kangcunan aplikasi

Nernst HH Series Jetfer Tinggi-30

Spésifikasi sareng parameter téknis


Bahan cangkang

Ngontrol suhu


: The probe hadir sareng 1,5 "BSP atanapi benang NPT. Pangguna tiasa ngolah flange anu cocog sareng tembok témbok témbok numutkeun gambar anu napel dina manual instruksi.

 : Pompa Gas dina pasokanal analisa ngeunaan 50 ML / mnt. Use the gas for the instrument and supply the gas through the pressure reducing valve and float flow meter provided by the user. The manufacturer provides the PVC connecting pipe from the float flowmeter to the sensor and the connector at the sensor end with the transmitter.

: Sensor ngagaduhan inlet hawa anu tiasa ngaliwat gas. When it is not checked, it is closed by a bulkhead. When calibrating the air, the flow rate is controlled at about 1000 ml per minute. The manufacturer provides 1/8″NPT threaded pipe joints that can be connected to PVC pipes.


 Probe Perlindungan Tube luar diaméter

: <130 ° C

: Direct Transpruk Jenis Koléksi atanapi Jalan Solect stop kontak.

 Beurat: 1,5kg ditambah 0.55kg panjang / 100mm panjang.


Modél standar
HH0750 (Ex)

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