Nernst Crod Corrosi Corrosi
Kangcunan aplikasi
•Model: Seri serioksigén
•Bahan cangkang
•Ngontrol suhu
• : The gas pump in the analyzer supplies about 50 ml/min. Anggo gas pikeun alat sareng pasokan gas ngaliwatan tekanakeun klep sareng ngambang sareng ngambang méter anu disayogikeun ku pangguna. The manufacturer provides the PVC connecting pipe from the float flowmeter to the sensor and the connector at the sensor end with the transmitter.
•: Sensor ngagaduhan inlet hawa anu tiasa ngaliwat gas. Nalika éta henteu dicarik, éta ditutup ku bulkhead. When calibrating the air, the flow rate is controlled at about 1000 ml per minute. The manufacturer provides 1/8″NPT threaded pipe joints that can be connected to PVC pipes.
• Nyaring: Stainless steel movable type. Saringan luar ¢ 42 (mm)
• Probe Perlindungan Tube luar diaméter
• Beurat
•Kalibrasi: Saatos pamasangan awal sistem éta stabil, kedah disemb dicatar sakali.
Modél standar | ||
Cr0500 | 500mm | |